Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Best Airport: Average Toilets

Kuala Lumpur International Airport,
64000 Klia,

Where is it?

Clear check in and security and you’ll come to some shops, most of which in this case were closed. The shops are a little maze like and the signage is not the best, but amongst them you’ll find this set of facilities.

What’s it like?

Once in the facilities you’ll find they are clean and functional, but nothing special for what is supposed to be the world’s best airport. Lots of capacity is apparent, and I guess it must get busy, however really this isn’t going to influence the overall score.

The toilet it self was pretty funky and had automatic flush, that in any other circumstances would have got this place a better score, but the prison like décor blew any chance of that. The décor is grey, with more grey, and guess what – more grey. Add to that the graffiti (I’m not sure how the Malaysian government would view that) and the assorted cleaning equipment stored in the open, then you get a far from satisfactory result.

Marks out of 10:

A very average 5.

Comments to the management:

Functionally fine, but that’s all.

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