The Kings Arms Hotel and Restaurant,
19 Market Street,
OX20 1SU
United Kingdom
Where is it?

What’s it like?
This restaurant is the second most stylish in Woodstock.

Considering the toilets are under the stairs they are very spacious. In fact they have the feel of real luxury. Well thought out design, high quality fittings (the sink is obvious but look at the urinals – virtually space age) and the whole place has a sparkly clean feel. This is helped by great lighting and mirrors that reflect the light.
Still I did find myself feeling a little off balance. From certain points you feel an urge to fall forward. This is because the very mirrors that help make the toilet sparkly and bright are placed all around.

Now that just be a lesson to you about where too much beer can lead your mind!
Marks out of 10:
8 for style and cool mirror effects.
Comments to the management:
Toilets fit for a King.