4542 S Semoran Blvd
Orlando, FL USA 32822
Where is it?
A large buffet table for the lunch crowds sits across the main part of the dining room. To the right of the buffet table is the opening of a lonely looking hallway, curtained only by a few loosely draped sheets of cloth. Go down that hallway (about 30 feet long and poorly lit) to get to the bathroom.
What's it like?
No, it's not as scary as it sounds, but it's not as clean as you'd like it to be either. The drywall here is chipped and banged up. The floor tile is clean but weathered, as are the toilets and sinks.
Of course, this is a family run place that's been around for more than a decade, and while you don't expect the bathroom to be in perfect condition after all those years, you also wish it didn't show its age as much.

Marks out of 10:
4. I wouldn't want to stay here longer than I have to, if you know what I mean.
Comments to the Management:
Time to revamp, even modernize.
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