Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Readers Vote Sani-Fair as Top Toilets

Poll Result

Readers voted Sani-Fair as their favourite of the Where’s the Toilet top rated 2007.

Sani-Fair provide the toilet facilities in many Autobahn service stops around Germany and have managed to provide a modern, clean service with enough gadgets to keep the average technophile in the facilities for hours. Our readers seem to have developed a fascination with the companies’ products as well, with 47% voting Sani-Fare as their favourite of our top toilets.

Wynn Las Vegas came in second with 23%, Hotel Jerome, Aspen coming in 3rd with 14% of the vote. Both are tip top as far as the readers are concerned!

The Results:

1st 47% Sani-Fair (August 9th)
2nd 23% Wynn Las Vegas (November 6th)
3rd 14% Hotel Jerome (December 29th)
=4th 4% Lumley Castle Hotel (February 14th)
=4th 4% Okada, Wynn Las Vegas (November 12th)

Go see more at http://www.rast.de/services/leistungen/sanifair/sanifair.html

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