The Trout Inn,
195 Godstow Road,
Lower Wolvercoate,
United Kingdom
Where is it?

This one is a bit of a trek. From the front entrance go left and up the steps to the bar. Go past the bar and down some steps in to the smoking area of the restaurant. On the left there is a doorway that leads to the toilets. Males on the left and females straight on. If you are outside by the river enter the pub and head right before you hit the bar. Again, go past the bar and down some steps in to the smoking area of the restaurant. On the left there is a doorway that leads to the toilets.
What’s it like?

This is one of the watering holes frequented regularly by John Thaw in Inspector Morse. The Trout had a fire a while back, so the facilities were relatively new and of good quality. They were also so cavernous you could store a few corpses without them being noticed. Now the Trout has just had another refurb and I must say I’m impressed! The general style of the place is great and it’s raised what was at risk of becoming a little tired and made it funky and hip. The outside is the best place to sit with a good view of the river and peacocks wondering around. You couldn’t want for a better place to sup your summer pint.

The male toilets seem to have lost a lot of space, but this is probably more to do with the dark, dark green décor. Still, the fixtures are sleek and fit well with the feel of the place, and the soap is cool too. My one adverse comment would be about the artwork. The silhouettes of naked ladies are all rather 1980’s and rather crass. Go back to postingto what you used to do posting the daily news headlines of UK and US websites and newspapers in frames just in your eye line. That’s was some real thought about the entertainment factor, although it was right annoying if you don’t get to the end of an article on a speedy stop. Now all you do is make us think you are dirty old men!
Marks out of 10:
9 for the general feel of the place.
Comments to the management:
It’s a mystery why the pictures are there!
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