Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Return Visit to Lexus of Orlando Toilets Shows Much Improvement

Lexus of Orlando
Service Department
305 N Semoran Blvd
Winter Park, FL USA

NOTE: This is our second review of this toilet. Earlier this year, a representative of the business contacted us and asked us to re-review this location, citing that during our "initial visit we [the dealership] were still working out the logistics of our new Service facility." This second review accommodates that request.

For those interested, our original review can be read here.

Where is it?

The location of the toilets has not moved since our last visit. To quote our previous review, the location of the toilets is as follows:

From the main entrance: Head in through the main doors, go around the cashier desk located in the center of the lobby, past the classy-looking cafe, and walk towards the drop-off entrance. Before you get to the doors, look left and you'll see the bathrooms.

From the drop-off entrance: Pass through the double doors leading to the customer lounge, cashier and cafe and look to your immediate right. The bathrooms are there.

What's it like?

While the setup hasn't change much since the last time we were here, all the amenities are now in tip-top working order and impressive to behold.

The service facility itself is top-notched, filled with wide spaces and plenty of distractions. Most notable are the three waiting rooms, which include a large TV lounge with two flat screen televisions, a waiting room for kids and a waiting room for people who prefer to wait for their cars in silence (which I found to be a nice touch, since I had to endure my visit with a bunch of Florida Gators fans, who were watching the game and cheering quite earnestly as their cars were being fixed....).

In addition, there are a handful of cars set out for exploration, as you would find in any dealership showroom (except the dealers aren't here, so it's not as pressure-filled) and a cafe at the center serving free coffee and tea, as well as slices of sandwich wraps to visitors (additional items can be ordered at a cost).

The bathrooms also have the same setup: To quote our earlier review of this location once again, "This is a classy, debonair-looking public bathroom that's covered in tan-colored marble tiles and understated decor like fake flowers that look real and framed pictures of landscapes and other serene scenes....

"The decor gives the place a feel of cool isolation and makes you feel miles away from the service area and garage, which are essentially right outside. The thick, black-metal stall dividers and doors further the fortress-like feel, and the stately automatic faucets, soap dispensers and towel dispensers are just icing on the cake."

That still applies this time around. Though, I must admit that on a scale of Lexus dealership bathroom extravagance, I still have to give Johnson Lexus of Raleigh, NC a leg up because its stall barriers were made of marble and wood -- it's just more elegant, I'm afraid. Though at the same time I do like the way the black barriers contrast with the beige marble around it surely adds a classy air that reminded me some of the touches found at the Bellagio toilets in Las Vegas, just on a smaller scale (strange how many toilets now remind me of that hotel's bathrooms...... like the recently reviewed toilet at Pearl, for example).

Last time there, we found one urinal and one toilet out of order and perhaps complained a little too aggressively on that remark for the sake of humor. This time around, everything's in tip top shape and looks brand new.

Other things I liked were the automatic faucets and soap pumps at the vanity (which is nice and wide and spacious) and the wicker baskets used for the keeping and disposing of its thick-ply paper towels (also seen at Pearl, coincidentally).

Cleanliness-wise: For the most part, I found the toilets here to be spotless and spot-on, save for the handicap stall. I'm not sure if it was the time of my visit or something else, but the stall (which sits at the very back of the bathroom) was a bit of a mess.

First of all, I found flecks of toilet paper on the floor beside the toilet. A common find in some bathrooms, as seen in our recent reviews of the Central Florida Zoo and some of the toilets at Islands of Adventure, though I must say that I didn't expect it here.

Secondly, I found a magazine stuffed into the crevasse between the support beam and the toilet paper holder -- clearly someone had just finished a long sit before my entrance. (Kudos on the clean air, by the way.) I don't mind reading material being in the bathroom, but it would be nicer if it were contained in a front area, like another wicker basket, so the visitor here doesn't get sloppy seconds, if you know what I mean.

Thirdly, and more distressing that the previous comments, was the tube of Fixodent I found sitting on the handicap stall's soap dispenser, by the stall's sink area. I guess I understand why it brought there in the first place, and certainly that's not a problem, but why was it left there and not moved to the lost and found? I must admit that this is the oddest tube finding I've seen in a bathroom since that tube of foot cream experience at Nile Ethiopian Restaurant in Orlando's I-Drive area.

Also an odd note: The handicap stall of this dealership's bathroom and the main vanity of the Johnson Lexus dealership bathroom both use the same type of soap dispenser -- those metal hard boxes fitted into the wall. Interested to know why, if anyone has any insights.

Finally, I was told by a companion that the women's bathroom (only the men's was reviewed here) was very impressive, with lounging seats and other luxury amenities. I'll try to see if she'll write a review for us, so we can give the full scoop, but until then we'll have to rely on her brief description to see us through.

Marks out of 10:

8. Would have been a 9 were it not for that handicap stall. Sorry.

Comments to the Management:

You're almost there, in my opinion. Just keep a watchful eye out for tubes of Fixodent and other mis-thrown items in that handicap stall and I think you've got it. (And thanks for giving us a chance to re-review your location.)

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