23 Montpelier Walk
GL50 1SD
United Kingdom
Where is it?
There are four routes into this pub. From Montpellier Walk you head to the bar and then left. There are some stairs. Go down them, doubling back on yourself as you go. Go to the end of the passage and follow it around to the right. In front are the ladies and to the right the mens’.
From Montpellier go midway up the bar and double back on your self around the wall to get to the stairs.
What’s it like?

Oneills asks ‘What’s the Craic?’ in their advertising. Given the variability of service in this bar you’re more likely to wonder if the toilets will be crap. Well you’ll be pleasantly surprised. The toilets seem to have had a makeover. This means they have moved from the other side of the basement, have new tile and fittings and were in good order. The décor is rather old fashioned, but this is the want of the place. It has always aimed at being an old Irish pub from the 1920’s rather than the sort of hip thriving bar you’d see in Dublin today.
The green and white tile on the wall and the black and white on the floor make things all a little busy, and the dark wood in what’s already a dark place really make you question if this is a format that should change now its nearly 20 years old. The mirrors did not fit well with the overall style but were the most modern element of the place. The cleanliness extended to the sit down cubical as well. So, overall a good show, even if the style is so out of date.
Marks out of 10:
7 for a good effort.
Comments to the management:
Clean, but plenty to do to catch up with the homeland.
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