Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Sit-Com Paradise!

Montpellier Wine Bar, Bayshill Lodge,
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. GL50 1SY
United Kingdom

Where is it?

From the front door head directly left and down the stairs (from the bar to the restaurant). There is a doorway to the left; head through it and the toilets are ahead. Alternatively, go through to the back of the bar and go around to the left. There is a doorway that leads down some (steep) stairs. Go down them and the toilets are to the right at the bottom.

This bar/restaurant is the one shown regularly in the 1970’s sit-com Butterflies. The outside of the bar has hardly changed since then. Friendly staff, good food, and – dare I say it – a stylish clientele make this a cool place to visit.

What’s it like?

Clean and sparkly this time around! (At the weekends heavy usage can lead to a grubbier environment). Brown ‘mosaic’ tiles give a stylish feel. The sink and mirror have an element of luxury, added to by the designer soap provided. The only problem is that these toilets are cramped. Even with only one other person in there it felt overly busy.

Marks out of 10:

7. A nice place to visit.

Comments to the management:

Cool when you’re clean.

1 comment:

David said...

Recent cleanliness issues lead me to revise the rating to 5. You need to clean more often or get a referb.